Festify unexpected character ecountered
Festify unexpected character ecountered

If there's any other errors please let me know.


net core 5.0 c via visual studio 2019 Platform Windows 10 Enterprise, ADFS on Windows. (thinking that Azure will create a folder called clientProfiles) for the path. Which Version of MSAL are you using nuget package .Msal v2.18.4 nuget package v4.31.0. There is no folder in there hence why I just wrote "datafactory/clientProfiles" I keep thinking that the problem is the folder path, I have a container called datafactory in one of our storages. I can't seem to figure out what is exactly the problem here. "name": "replicationTest_clientProfile_Copy" "name": "replicationTest-clientProfile_dataSet" "description": "client profile pipeline from revazure1 replication test to revshare data factory storage", "name": "replicationTestClientProfile_revazure1_revshare-dataFactory_Pipe", "folderPath": "datafactory/clientProfiles", "linkedServiceName": "revshareStorage_linkedService", "linkedServiceName": "revazure1-replicationTest_linkedService",

festify unexpected character ecountered

"name": "replicationTest-clientProfile_dataSet", "connectionString": "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https AccountName=******** AccountKey=**********" "description": "revshare storage linked service", "description": "revazure1 replication test linked service", "name": "revazure1-replicationTest_linkedService", Path '', line 0, position 0.,Source=Newtonsoft.Json,'. Getting this error during a copy activity from on-premise MySQL to Azure Storage:Ĭopy activity encountered an unknown server error: Code: 0 Message: 'Type=,Message=Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: e.

Festify unexpected character ecountered